
Thursday 27 May 2010

Say Hi To Harriet ... and Smudge

Today is the official publication day of 'Stunt Bunny - Showbiz Sensation' by the very lovely and talented Tamsyn Murray.

I have a very special reason for being excited about the launch of this book. Long term readers of my blog will remember my cat Smudge who sadly died 18 months ago and eagle eyed readers of Stunt Bunny will notice that one of Tamsyn's characters bears a remarkable resemblance ...

Today also marks the publication of 'Like Bees To Honey'by the wonderful Caroline Smailes.

There'll be much more about that on this blog in the next few days once I've a)been to Caroline's launch, and b) finished reading the exquisitely well-written 'Like Bees To Honey' and written a review of it.

You can buy 'Stunt Bunny' here. And 'Like Bees To Honey' here.


  1. Got 'em both, read 'em both - but didn't notice the Smudge connection until you pointed it out. D'oh!!

  2. Is it 18 months already?
    I'm so glad he has a doppelganger in Stunt Bunny:-)

  3. Aw, what a lovely tribute to Smudge.

  4. Enjoy the book launch. Lovely to have a little bit of Smudge in there!

  5. Gosh, was it that long ago? Suppose it must have been. I owe smudge a bowl of cream - he's a great character :)

    And Like Bees To Honey is a most fabulous book :)

  6. Were you at Caroline's London launch? Did I miss you?

    Aw, what a great was to remember Smudge. I'm a massive fan of Harriet, by the way. The cutest thing ever!

  7. Hi Harriet, hi Smudge....
    It was such a shame you couldn't make Caroline's launch. I hope we can catch up soon! xo

  8. Stepping back into the Land of Blog to say: 'Hi,Harriet, Hi, Smudge.'

    And hello to furry N&Ns and their Mum.
    Tim and Ted send friendly woofs and tail wags


  9. It might be 18 months but it'll not be any easier.

  10. What a lovely way to remember Smudge!

  11. How lovely that Smudge is immortalized in Tam's book... the writing world is really rather fabulous, isn't it?

  12. Queenie – Smudge was obviously being too subtle.

    Debs – it is very lovely.

    Lane – yes, doesn’t time go by fast?

    Shirley – it’s a great tribute

    Joanne – yes, it is so nice.

    Tam – Smudge is honoured x

    Talli – no , I went to the Formby launch. Hope I get to meet you some time though.

    DJ – yes, so do I!

    Pat – furry N and Ns say hi to you too. They are very proud of Smudge.

    Colette – it is still sad, but the new cats help.

    Penandpaints – it is unique!

    Jen – the writing world is really very fabulous.
