
Saturday 13 November 2010


There is a new review on Bookersatz today, of The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. The review is by L'Aussie who blogs here.

Futher reviews for Bookersatz are always welcome. Just let me know, and I'll send out guidelines.

Meanwhile, those pesky felines are still cluttering up the in-trays, so I'd better get on!


  1. I've got this book, but haven't read it yet. Off to read the review right now.

  2. I've been using "Get Off" spray on the couch. Worked well, although the cat wasn't so impressed...
    Will read the review shortly.

  3. My cats like climbing in boxes/small spaces too. One of them has been shut in the sock drawer on several occasions. Actually, he didn't seem to mind too much. That might keep them out your way while you plough through the work in your in tray.

  4. Hmmm.. miss my cat, but not the cleaning... though I'd still like her back.. sigh...

  5. Shame the felines can't knock off a few reviews - figuratively speaking, that is. Get reviews written and keep the cats occupied at the same time. You'd be killing two birds with one stone - surely that would appeal to the cats?
