
Thursday 25 November 2010

National Short Story Week

It's National Short Story Week this week, and a chance for us all to celebrate the short story form. You can find out more about the week here.

I've had a whirlwind of a week. Up to London on Tuesday evening with the lovely Cally Taylor for the Momaya Press awards where we both said a few words.

Then on Wednesday morning I was interviewed about National Short Story Week on my local radio station. You can listen again for the next few days here.

It's been great, and I'm already looking forward to next year's National Short Story Week.


  1. Well done you, sounds as though you had a very successful time!

  2. The interview was great, Helen. Very informed and confident.

  3. Hey Helen, superstar. Sounds like the interview was good. Short story week sounds fun. I read about it on womagwriter's blog.

    I got my official acceptance for my story in FF magazine for Autumn 2010. Now that I'm in, I hope to get a few more through the door.

    Here's to the short story! Always my favourite!

  4. Great that you're having such an exciting busy time! Enjoy.

    Kat X

  5. Well done, Helen. You're so brave!

  6. So you should be, imagine how many more you'll have written and sold by this time next year :)

  7. Sorry, arriving horribly late.

    How exciting - and thanks for the link. Off to listen now.


  8. Well done, a star turn! As it happens, I just judged a short story competition and suggested they tie their 2011 competition in with NSSW in 2011. It seems to be getting huge. Wish I could write short stories... but I know someone who can!!!
